Sunday, 7 February 2010

Church and God's calling!

Story to start it off…

There was a man who worked at a factory and one day, as he was heading out of the factory to home, he was stopped at the exit because he was leaving with a wheelbarrow and a box. The guard at the gate asked, “What is in the box?” The man answered, “It is just a box of sawdust from the floor I am taking home for my animals.” This continued all week. Everyday the man would head out of work, and everyday he was stopped by the guard, and everyday he said, “it is just a box of sawdust i am taking home for my animals.” By the end of the week the guard was so suspicious of the man that he decided he was just going to ask him what was really up. When the man with the wheelbarrow and the box came out on friday the guard said, “Alright, tell me really what is going on, I won’t turn you in, I just need to know what you are up to.” The factory worker paused…then siad, “I’m stealing wheelbarrows.”

Is it not so amazingly true that we often focus on such little things that we completely miss the big things that are staring us in the face!

The church service started off with some of the most amazing, and wonderfully lifting worship I have ever participated in. I feel so close to God when I am singing my heart out, and when the students of Capernwray sing, they we really sing. The Conference Hall resonates with the Lord’s praises. It is one of the most wonderful and beautifully majestic sounds I have ever heard. So many people unswervingly and unreservedly worshiping God at one time is so humbling to be a part of. I just cannot wrap my mound around the fact that God can hear everything our hearts are crying out to Him when we are all crying out at the same time. What an awesome God we serve!

As I listened to the sermon today, given on Ezekiel 47:1-12 by an Irishman, I heard the Lord speak to me as clear as I ever have. I have been worried that, by settling for an instate college, not feeling a ‘call’ to the mission field, or not constantly feeling like I am right on track that I might not be doing what God has willed for me. And then, as I sat in church this morning, God said there are just as many people who need to hear about Him, and whom I can talk to, and whom I can witness to as an example at the University of Nebraska, than there are if I were to go anywhere else or do anything else. And God has called me to attend UNL to be a light for Him, and to carry out His plan He has for me there. I am now so excited to start that next step in my life I can hardly contain it! God is so good!

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