Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Jesus Teaches about Worry: Matthew 7:25-34

v. 25
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not he life more important than food, and the body more important then clothes?"

Do not worry about your life...
Don't worry.
Easy enough?

HA, yeah right. I worry about my future, my career, university next year, tomorrow for crying out loud. No, I don't let worry run my life, but I'm not free of worry. Yes, my life is way more important than the food I put into it (although I really enjoy some of the food I put into my mouth) and my body is way more important than the clothes I put onto it (and yes, I do enjoy great clothes) But what about things that have a little more pull? What about things that have gravity in my life...college...a family...a job...money...and so many others.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Seek first His kingdom. Seek first heaven, the abode of God and of the faithful after death, seek first the spiritual reign or authority of God (as my trusty mac dictionary put 'kingdom') So seek heaven, live as if I will be winging off to heaven tomorrow. Prepare for it, that glorious place of eternal worship of the Most High.

If I look forward to heaven, I can see how worry would slide right out of my vision and thought. But the moment I take my eyes down from their heavenly gaze, all that worry would wash in like Niagara Falls.

v. 34
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

Hm. I never really thought of days having trouble, but I suppose, with us troublesome humans all up in the days grill, they would have a lot to trouble over. This verse makes sense, why worry about something that is coming no matter what I do, something that God already knows about, something that...yes...worries about itself, takes care of itself.

Worry causes wrinkles.
Worry causes sleepless nights.
Worry causes ulcers, heart attacks, and headaches.

Why worry.

It is now seeming to be a pretty legitimate question.

I love how the Bible makes me think, makes me question what I think, know, say is true. It is the greatest book I have ever read, and I'm not even done with it yet. What powerful messages are contained in its pages I have not even begun to skim the surface.

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