Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Galatians 6:11 Paul writes,

“See what large letters I use as I write to you with my own hand.”

Reading this in Galatians just gave me a picture of Paul, sitting somewhere, penning this letter to the people of Galatia, and as he comes to what is now chapter six, he changes his handwriting and begins to write in big block capital letters. He is driving his point home, he wants to make sure that the Galatians really do get what he is trying to say.

I do this all the time when I write letters, if there is something that I really want the recipient of my letter to get, to understand and to truly feel, I USE BLOCK CAPS! I just love that Paul did this too. And what better to do it for than for the glory of God? There is nothing better is there? NO!!!

This verse just made the fact that this book I am reading thousands of years later, really was a letter at one time, sent in some prehistoric way, no stamps, so post code used to let the mail service know where it was supposed to go. Just a scroll, maybe tied together, or sealed with wax, just a letter. May the church in Galatia was waiting for it, maybe they had no idea it was coming, maybe it was a wonderful surprise to see Paul’s greeting at the beginning of the letter, maybe all the elders gathered around as someone read it out loud, then maybe everyone listened raptly as they read it to the greater congregation.

I love getting mail. It is something to think that a little piece of paper has been under a dear friends hand, has had a little bit of their soul placed onto the paper in blue, black, green or red ink. Their mind has thought about what words they were putting down on that thin piece of tree, maybe wondered if I would laugh at what they had written, or wondered if their words were really enough….I know i think those things when I write letters. Then this letter has traveled thousands of miles across a huge expanse of ocean to make it right into my pigeon hole labeled with ‘N’ where I run up from the conference hall at coffee break to find it there sitting, waiting for me.

The beauty of the written word is beyond. Thank God he gave us the gift of words and writing.

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