Wednesday, 15 December 2010

A new year coming

I sit at the 'peninsula' in my lovely western Nebraska home after my first semester of University. It is 10:03 Mountain Time. I'll recap my day for you. (it may or may not have not been an extravagantly audacious with it)
7:15, wake up, hit snooze.
7:30, wake up, again, shower. Put on clean underwear, jeans from yesterday, purple Steadfast and Dapper T, and grandpa cardigan.
8:00, coffee with Mom and Dad at Newberry's Common Grounds (the hip new coffee joint downtown)
9:00 head to "work" with Mom and Dad, play with Kitty Karlisle, write thank you's and organize old files for Dad.
11:35, picked up by one of my favorite people in the world, Lauren, get food at Wonderful Kitchen for some of my other favorite people in the world, eat.
1:00, more organizing for Dad.
2:00, drop in on some old teachers.
2:30, Spongebob with Lauren, all you can eat ribbon candy buffet.
3:30, pick up sister from school, grocery store visit, home to begin dinner.
4:45, Mom and Dad home, dinner (spaghetti)
6:30 off to Awana. Enjoy hearing Mom speak, tear up, Facebook post and sing some songs.
8:00, home.

Well, yeah, just a normal day I guess. Just the fact that I am home, Mom and Dad and Carlie are back in my every moment vocabulary, and that it is Christmas time just makes my heart sing.

It sure has been a while since I last blogged. The last time I wrote anything I was abroad. You know, I think it was because I thought that maybe last year while in England there was something extraordinary about my life, where I was what I was doing, that maybe, after I returned home to the USA I thought had went away. My life is normal, back to ordinary. Why blog about it? Who would want to read about it? What do I have to say? All of those things went through my mind as I thought about maybe writing something.

After all, my life is just ordinary...right?

I'm not so sure.

Maybe my life is EXTRA-ordinary.

From God's view point there must be something special about me if He gives me the gift of His son. What the heck is he thinking? I don't deserve it, that is one thing I know for sure. But sure enough, there it is, that gift of eternal life that is a part of me every single day I wake up and keep breathing.

So I would like to make a toast. To all of those whose lives are extraordinary, let's live like they WE are!

1 comment:

  1. My dear friend! You just blessed me so much by writing about your seemingly ordinary life! Just a reminder of Gods faithfulness in the midst of normal things.
    The lyrics of a song have been in my mind for a few days: 'it is not about me, as if you should do it my way, you alone are God and i surrender!' Thanks for being you and keep writing.
